Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weight Watchers - Day 1

I enrolled in Weight Watchers and started the program on Wednesday, April 20th.  To say that my first day was challenging is an understatement.  I started the day out very well, but quickly realized that my favorite foods and normal go-to breakfast items were high in Points, typically because they were high in carbohydrates.  By the end of the night, I was famished, and with my work schedule, I typically eat 4 regular meals a day.  Of the 29 Points I was allowed for yesterday, I ended up using 40, eating up 11 of my "freebie" Points for the remainder of the week.

Now, I'm going to cut myself a little slack and not be too terribly disappointed in my first-go effort with Weight Watchers.  All in all, I did eat fairly healthily yesterday.  What really did me in was my late-night eating (didn't get home from work until after 9PM), so I'll need to start examining those habits more closely.

Tonight will be my first effort eating out with Weight Watchers.  I'm headed to Applebees and have already looked up the Point values for a couple of items.  It's between the Asiago Peppercorn Steak (10 Points) and the Teriyaki Chicken Pasta (12 Points).  After eating lunch today I'll have anywhere from 16-19 of my regular Points left to use at dinner, so we'll see how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. We are there with you even though I have a few more points to play with than you. Mom is in the same boat as you are. It will be interesting doing this together.
