Friday, April 29, 2011

A Minor Setback

Sorry for the delay in posting!  My husband and I lost our internet and cable service for a few days, and I was unable to blog.  But we're back up and running, and it's time to get back to it.

I didn't have a good day at all yesterday.  I was doing pretty well at the start of the week, and knowing that I had lost 5.8 pounds at my weigh-in on Monday kept me going through the first half of the week.  But yesterday, I just shut down.  I didn't want to count Points, and I just needed a day off.  So what did I do?  Eat incredibly unhealthy food (I'm talking McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts).  I know this is bad.  And even while I was eating it, I knew I shouldn't be doing it.  I suppose I had been denying my sweet and savory cravings more than I thought, because I just completely let loose yesterday.  I was so depressed afterward and knew that I let myself down.  But today is a new day, and I'm back on track.  Fortunately, my binge eating didn't deter me too much.  I've gained some weight back since my weigh in on Monday, but it has been less than 2 pounds.

My experience with food yesterday taught me that I can't keep denying myself what my body craves just in a desire to be skinny, but that I also need to accept those cravings in moderation.  A big factor in yesterday's eating was that my husband and I both had the day off, and I decided to fill the empty time with food and movies instead of useful things, like chores, reading, or exercising. 

The best thing about Weight Watchers (and I believe this is one of their slogans): It's a new day.  I can forget about everything from yesterday and just get back on track today.  My husband put it best last night when he said the following: If you eat healthy 29 days out of the month and have 1 bad day, it's not going to affect you, just like someone who eats poorly 29 days out of the month and has 1 healthy day won't reap the benefits of healthier eating.  The way I see it, I'm still down over 4 pounds since starting Weight Watchers, and I can't beat myself up for giving into temptation yesterday.  Plus there are happy things among the horizon: my husband and I are getting a puppy, and we get to meet her on Sunday!

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